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Select Your Puja Here


You might you already know the kind of puja you would like to request, or you have already asked your teacher or a lama for advice on what pujas are beneficial for your purpose.

In this case you can go directly to the puja list below, where you will find a selection of the most commonly requested pujas together with the cost. If you are not sure what pujas to request and you would like to check with a lama, please go to the Kopan website: Request an observation for more details.

Make sure to include the dedication and name of the beneficiary and send it to us. The puja will be performed one time only, with the special dedication as requested by you. We will confirm the puja with you and will notify you when the puja has been done.

21 Tara Praises

Also called Green Tara Puja, the praises to the 21 Taras are a powerful and effective prayer to Mother Tara. Each one of the twenty-one Taras represents a different aspect of the wisdom energy of mother Tara. That is why the recitation of the praises to the 21 Taras fulfills all wishes, be it for success in life, or in business, to be free of fear, to have a child. It is especially recommended in all family matters, but also for general success.

Cost: US $ 32
Barche Lamsel
Barche Lamsel assists in removing all obstacles and for general success.
Cost: US$ 31
Cittamani Tara

Also called Four Mandala Offering To Cittamani Tara, this puja is requesting Mother Tara to protect us from all negativities, bring success, especially for family, relationship, success of business, Career, health and protect from all kinds of fears. It is one of the most commonly recommended pujas.

Cost: US $ 73
King of Prayers
The King of Prayers is a well know prayer composed by Shantideva. It is usually recited for the deceased, or just after someone passed away, to ease their passage through the bardo. The King of Prayers will be recited several times by the monks in their morning puja.
Cost: US $ 28
Lama Choepa
Lama Choepa (also called Guru Puja) with or without tsog offering. It helps to accumulation of merit for oneself and assist in a higher rebirth for the deceased. It is also an excellent offering to the guru to pray for his long life. With Tsog Without Tsog
Cost: 250 US$
Cost: 75 US$
Medicine Buddha Puja
Most commonly this puja is performed to assist in the recovery of illness or an operation. It is also done to achieve higher rebirth for the deceased. Medicine Buddha Puja can be performed extensively, with the requests to Medicine Buddhas done seven times to each of the Buddhas. Additional prayers are said for the dedication of merit. The same puja can be performed in a shorter version as well. Medicine Buddha puja is also very helpful to bring success in all wordly activities
Monlam Namgyel - Eight Auspicious Prayers
The 8 Auspicious Prayers are a collection of aspirational prayers. It contains the King of Prayers, the Prayer to Maitreya Budda, Prayer for Rebirth in a Pure Land and others. It is usually recited for the deceased, to ease their passage through the bardo and to achieve a good rebirth. It is often recommended to be recited weekly during the 49 day period.
Cost: US $ 73
Namygyal Tsechog Puja
Namgyal Tsechog Long life puja is ususally recommended to those whose life seems in dangers. It has the effect of purifying the accumulated negativities of all sentient beings and helps to extends one’s life span, and recovery from serious disease. It also helps to ease the suffering of beings reborn in the lower realms.
Cost: US $ 73
Recitation of Prajnaparamita Text
The middle length Prajnaparamita, also called Gyetongpa contains the Wisdom Teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, else in the extensive form, middle length or short version. The recitation of any of these texts bring great merit and as such it helps to overcome big obstacles for health or wealth, and specially if one has life obstacles.
Cost: US $ 73
Sengye Dongma (Lion faced dakini)
Prayer to remove immediate obstacles
Cost: US$ 31
Sungdu (Collection Of Sacred Mantras)
Recited to overcome all kinds of misfortune, calamity, social and personal loss or obstacles
Cost: US$ 73
Tashi Tsekpa - New Beginnings
Also called -Noble Stack of Auspiciousness – is often recited before beginning of any major activity, such as starting studies, or a new jobstarting any construction, moving into a new house or building, starting a new business or journey, wedding, giving birth, funeral ceremony and cremation etc.. It is specially recommended if the starting day of activities is considered unfavorable.
Cost: US $ 31
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