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Education For All

Monasteries and nunneries provide the best environment for the study and practice of the Buddha’s teaching. The main emphasis is on developing the mind by the teachings of the Buddha.

Recognizing the importance of general knowledge for sangha in this modern world, the curriculum of the nunnery school is more in tune with the modern world while integrating monastic principles. It combines the Nepal school syllabus with Universal Education principles. The general school education runs concurrent with the intense Buddhist philosophical study program. 

All nuns are studying philosophy as part of their dharma training. The formalised geshe-study program  introduced at the Nunnery by Lama Yeshe came to it’s fruition when the first two nuns received their Geshe-ma degree degree in 2018. A number of nuns are in line to graduate in the next few years. High quality education in all aspecpts, including secular education, a school that leads to college graduation, is a must in a modern society. Right now a number of lay teachers and  several philosophy teachers are taking care of the classes. More qualified teachers are needed to serve the growing number of students.

To attract more qualified and motivated teachers, there need to be competitive wages, extras such as a travel allowance, and paid holidays. Access to modern educational resources, teaching material and books are essential.

The goal is to offer ecellent education on all levels to all the nuns who have dedicated their lives to the study and understanding of the Buddha Dharma. All facilities, including education, are offered completely free of charge to all nuns; to continue offering this kind of education, we need your help.

 Help us to maintain and improve the quality of education

  • Make a donation for teachers wages
  • Make a donation for teaching material –  supplying books, pencils, photocopies, to one students.

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